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BaSIc acceSS 2010 (7.5 hours)
Join us to discover how to create databases. We’ll work with tables, fields and records. Queries, forms, and reports are also covered.
IntermedIate acceSS 2010 (7.5 hours)
Build on your MS Access skills! Learn table relationships, lookup fields, calculations, advanced form types, and advanced reporting.

BaSIc exceL 2010 (7.5 hours)
Join us to learn to create, manage, enhance, and print worksheets using MS Excel. This course is always a favorite with participants!

IntermedIate exceL 2010 (7.5 hours)
Now that you have the basics of MS Excel, let’s enhance your spreadsheets with more advanced formatting options.
November 20, January 7-8, March 5, April 25

advanced exceL 2010 (7.5 hours)
Built for MS Excel power users, this class explores advanced formulas, as well as Lookup functions.
Offered: January 14-15, April 8-9

Basic poWer point 2010 (7.5 hours)
Here’s a tool for great presentations! Discover how to create a presentation from start to finish.
Offered: November 1
intermediate poWer point 2010 (6 hours)
Let’s add some pizzazz to your presentation with graphics, multimedia, SmartArt, and custom slide shows.

Basic Word 2010 (7.5 hours)
This solid beginning MS Word course takes you from a blank page to adding graphics and clip art, headers and footers, tables, and proofing your document.
Offered: October 25
intermediate Word 2010 (7.5 hours)
Enhance your MS Word documents with styles, sections, and columns. Also learn about templates, tracking revisions, and table formatting.
advanced Word 2010 (7.5 hours)
Want a challenge using MS Word? We will perform a mail merge, create and use forms, and create master documents.

BUiLdinG Forms in MS WORD or MS ACCESS (3 hours)
Looking for an easy way to gather data? Join us for an introduction to building forms in Word and Access 2010. Highlights include using built-in form fields, text boxes, dropdown lists, and check boxes.
e-maiL etiQUette and orGaniZation (2 hours)
This power course offers tips to give a professional polish to your email messages. We’ll review the elements of a good e-mail.
GettinG more From yoUr ipad (3 hours)
Get the most out of your iPad! You’ll be amazed at the different apps that are available and how they can enrich your life.
Offered: January 23
MS ONENOTE 2010 (2 hours)
Many of us carry a notepad for taking business notes, but can we find the information later? OneNote is a great program for keeping track of and sharing your “notes”. It can store pictures, websites, text, etc. Find out what this impressive program can do for you!
Offered: February 12
oUtLooK 2010 (6 hours)
See the new and improved version of Outlook! Learn to manage messages and attachments, configure message options, and use search folders. Managing contacts, using the People Pane, working with tasks, creating appointments, and scheduling meetings are also covered.
Offered: November 6
oUtLooK caLendar and tasKs (2 hours)
Want to become a productive user of Outlook 2010 to schedule events and tasks? During this course, you'll quickly learn how to schedule and respond to appointments, meetings, and events. We’ll also review creating, assigning and accepting Outlook tasks.
thinKinG aBoUt ipad (2 hours)
Join us to discover the iPad! If you are a new iPad user or simply curious what an iPad is all about, this course walks through the basics. Explore navigating the iPad, finding apps, downloading and organizing apps, and iPad settings. Students will be provided iPads to use during class.
Offered: October 10

advanced interpersonaLcommUnication (4 hours)
Polish your communication styles and methods with this powerful course. Discover techniques to use nonverbal communication, give feedback, and empower others. You’ll also explore concepts for more effective and enjoyable conversations.
Better pUBLic speaKinG (3 hours)
Public speaking is most people's greatest fear! Discover how to deliver an engaging presentation, lead a meeting, or simply offer your viewpoint more effectively. This course includes overcoming anxiety, developing confidence, speaking clearly, and creating excitement.
FUndamentaL FinanciaL pLanninG (3 hours)
Looking for blueprint to build a solid financial future? Join us to learn about budgeting, proper insurance, and investment planning. We’ll also explore basic legal documents and investment tools needed for a strong financial foundation.
GettinG started as a neW Leader (4 hours)
Discover strategies to succeed in a leadership role! Discover leadership success strategies. Learners will also receive a tool to determine priorities for themselves and their team.
Offered: October 11
resoLvinG conFLict (4 hours)
Here’s a great class for approaching and resolving conflict. You’ll recognize signs of conflict, assess the conflict to determine the right level of involvement, and gain skills to serve as a catalyst to achieve resolution.
retirement pLanninG today (6 hours)
This course blends financial education with life planning to help you build wealth, align your money with your values, and achieve your retirement goals. Discover strategies to manage investment risk, save money on taxes, and determine the savings needed to retire.
Offered: January 28-29
strenGths essentiaLs (4 hours)
Do you have a chance at work to do what you do best, every day? This interactive class will challenge you to identify your unique strengths. You’ll leave with a map of your personal strengths and tools to enable you to be most productive.
Offered: February 21
vaLUinG diFFerences (4 hours)
Join us to discover how unique styles, motivations, and abilities can help ensure the success in any team. You’ll gain strategies for appreciating others’ unique perspectives, understanding people’s inherent differences, and collaborating in a mutually beneficial way.
Offered: November 7
WeLLBeinG: the Five essentiaL eLements (6 hours)
Discover groundbreaking research on how to boost your career, financial, social, physical, and community wellbeing! Learners receive a copy of the book Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements. This facilitated discussion offers innovative ideas for enhancing your life in five distinct areas. You'll have the opportunity to use Gallup's online Wellbeing Finder to track and improve your wellbeing.
Offered: October 9-10, January 30-31, March 20-21