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Keys to Successful Money Management

ID : 26438   
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If you're interested in discovering how most wealthy people amassed their fortunes, this is the course for you. Contrary to popular opinion, most of us don't achieve true wealth through luck or an accident of fate. Just about anybody can build wealth. All it takes is organization, discipline, and a firm knowledge of how to proceed. If you're serious about accumulating a sizable nest egg and living the life of your dreams, this course will supply you with the knowledge and skills you'll need to succeed.

You've probably heard amazing stories of people amassing untold fortunes with seemingly little effort, finding financial freedom through the magic of day trading, shorting stocks, buying and selling commodities, playing the slots, flipping real estate, or some other fad of the moment. These stories sound too good to be true, and that's because they are. All of those get-rich-quick schemes have three things in common: they're unsafe, they're unpredictable, and they tend to produce far more losers than they do winners.

The truly wealthy do not rely on risky games of chance and raw luck to build their fortunes--they focus on creating wealth out of what they already have. If you're serious about living a better life by tapping into your unfulfilled potential, we'll show you the way.

In this course, a certified financial planner will walk you through the steps you need to take in order to achieve true financial success. You'll become comfortable with the broad array of investment choices available to you right now, and you'll discover the best ways to acquire and accumulate both cash and real property. We'll also discuss the tax implications of your investment decisions, along with steps you can take to protect any wealth you acquire.
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Class Details

0 Session(s)



Start Date:upon registration



Please read:  BSC has partnered with Ed2Go, one of the industry leaders in online learning for adults, to provide this online class. Most Ed2Go classes start either the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of each month. All registrations after the class start date will be enrolled in the next month’s class session.

These six-week online instructor-led courses are the perfect way to learn a new skill or enhance your existing ones. You'll spend roughly two to four hours each week completing two engaging lessons in an enjoyable, interactive learning environment. Expert instructors develop and lead every course, and you'll be able to interact with them and with fellow students in online discussion areas. Upon completing a course with a passing score, you'll get an award of completion.



Registration Closes On
Monday, June 30, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
N/A - Online