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Certified Medication Assistant (CMA II)

ID : 32151   
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A Certified Medication Assistant II is able to deliver routine, regularly scheduled medication (as delegated by a licensed nurse) for individuals or groups of individuals with stable conditions which are administered on a routine basis and do not require determination of need, drug calculation, or dosage conversion.

A CMA II can be employed in a setting where the licensed nurse is either scheduled regularly or not regularly including Skilled Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living Facilities and Basic Care Facilities.

If considering employment in a setting other than Nursing Facility, Basic Care Facility, or Assisted Living, contact the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services to determine if it is an allowable setting for a Certified Medication Assistant II to work in.

Class schedule
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays starting February 18 through March 13 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
    • March 14 - April 12
      • 32 hours of a clinical experience will be required. The instructor and program manager will work in conjunction with the student to determine the clinical schedule.
Certified Medication Assistant II Scope of Delegation

More detailed information including student requirements, course outcomes, course commitment, course investment, and much more can be found on our website at
Call 701-224-5600 to register Send to Friend » Request More Info »

Class Details

38 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Tue, Thu.  
  Weekly - Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu.  

Location : Multiple Location : 
  BSC Technical Center

Instructor : Kelli Nelson 



Please read:  Please note, this schedule differs from what had previously been published.

Essential requirements of the course include mandatory attendance, the ability to lift a minimum of 50 pounds, an 8-hour clinical practice session with minimal rest periods, and a 32-hour clinical facility rotation.

Students must provide a copy of the following items following registration. Students who do not provide these items by the deadline will not be able to attend class and may incur a fee to be transferred to the next available class:
  • Printed proof of a negative TB test within the last 12 months.
  • COVID-19 vaccination status must be disclosed to federal reporting requirements of clinical facilities. Vaccination is optional, however, it MAY be required based on clinical facility placement: If required:
    • Proof of an approved one-dose or two-dose COVID-19 vaccination that includes a record of vaccine, the date of vaccine administration, lot number, and location of where the vaccine was administered.
  • Proof of the seasonal flu vaccination (for classes beginning during the months of September through March).
  • A North Dakota CNA license in good standing with the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services.

Students will be required to adhere to the policies of the clinical facility regarding the COVID-19 vaccination. This is not a BSC requirement, but a requirement of the clinical facility. Exemption requests must be inquired upon and are subject to review and approval by the clinical facility.

TB testing, seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccinations are provided by Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health or the UND Center for Family Medicine.

Any student missing more than 4 hours of class time will be dropped out of the class regardless of the reason. Students should contact Continuing Education at 701-224-5600 with any questions.

Once all course work has been completed successfully, students will need to apply for their Certified Medication Assistant II license through the ND Department of Health and Human Services. An application fee of $25 is payable at that time, directly to the ND Department of Health and Human Services.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
2/18/2025 - 3/13/2025 Weekly - Tue, Thu 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM Bismarck, BSC Technical Center  Map, Room: 246-IVN Room Kelli Nelson 
3/14/2025 - 4/12/2025 Weekly - Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Off-Site, Off-Site  Map, Room: TBA Kelli Nelson